Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ford 3D-printing Mustang out of chocolate and candy for Valentine's Day

Is your beloved in love with the new 2015 Ford Mustang? Do they like chocolate (that's a trick question – everyone likes chocolate)? Are they a bit of a futurist? Then this Hallmark holiday, you need to get them this Ford Mustang, 3D-printed in sweet, delicious chocolate.

Ford is teaming with 3D Systems' Sugar Lab in LA to produce the super-accurate pony car confections in both chocolate and sugar candy varieties. The process kicked off with a CAD rendering of the 2015 Mustang, which was then programmed into the 3D printer. After a bit of work from the machine, a four-inch long, two-inch tall Mustang was the result. Why the tieup with 3D Systems, though?

"We wanted to create something fun to show that while 3D printing made these edible Mustangs, manufacturing-level 3D printing was used in the development of Ford's all-new sports car," said Paul Susalla, Ford's supervisor of 3D printing.

While Ford commissioned the chocolatey Mustangs, buying some for your sweetheart might be tougher. This is a one-off deal for now, although Ford is in talks to license the Mustang candy, should it find a solid reception.

Ford has put together a surprisingly interesting video of the 3D printing process, which we've embeddedbelow. There's also an official press release, as well as a full gallery of the process.

This post originally published here.

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